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Herb Tea Directory

We offer hundreds of herb teas in bulk loose tea, convenient single cup tea bags, and large easy brew bags (makes 4 - 6 cups). Also available in Organic Herb Teas.

Agrimony Herb

Alfalfa Leaf

Angelica Root

Anise Seed

Artichoke Leaf

Ashwagandha Root

Asparagus Root

Astragalus Root

Barberry Root Bark

Barley (Roasted)

Basil Leaf

Bay Leaf

Bayberry Root Bark

Bergamot Herb

Bilberry Leaf

Birch Bark

Birch Leaf

Bitter Melon

Bitter Melon Leaf

Black Cohosh Root

Black Currant Leaf

Black Haw Bark

Black Walnut Hull

Black Walnut Leaf

Blackberry Leaf

Blessed Thistle Herb

Blue Cohosh Root

Boldo Leaf

Boneset Herb

Brown Rice (Roasted)

Bupleurum Root

Burdock Root

Butcher's Broom Root

Calendula Flower

Caraway Seed

Carob Bean Pod

Cascara Sagrada Bark

Cassia Tora Seed

Catnip Herb

Cat's Claw Bark

Celandine Herb

Celery Seed

Centaury Herb

Chaga Mushroom

Chamomile Flower

Cherry Stem

Chervil Leaf

Chickweed Herb

Chicory Root

Chicory Root (Roasted)

Chrysanthemum Flower

Cilantro Leaf

Cleavers Herb


Codonopsis Root

Cordyceps Mushroom

Coriander Seed

Corn (Roasted)


Couchgrass Root

Cramp Bark

Cubeb Berry

Cumin Seed

Damiana Leaf

Dandelion Leaf

Dandelion Root

Dandelion Root (Roasted)

Devil's Claw Root

Dill Seed

Dill Weed

Dong Quai Root

Elder Berry

Elder Flower

Elecampane Root

Eleuthero Root

Epazote Herb

Epimedium Leaf

Eucalyptus Leaf

Eyebright Herb

Fennel Seed

Fenugreek Seed

Feverfew Herb

Fo-ti Root

Fumitory Herb

Galangal Root

Garcinia Fruit


Gentian Root

Ginger Root

Ginkgo Leaf

Goldenrod Herb

Gotu Kola Herb

Graviola Leaf

Grindelia Herb

Guarana Seed

Gymnema Leaf

Hawthorn Berry

Hawthorn Leaf & Flower

Hibiscus Flower


Honeysuckle Flower

Hops Flower

Horehound Herb

Hydrangea Root

Hyssop Herb

Jasmine Flower

Juniper Berry

Kava Kava Root

Knotgrass Herb

Kudzu Root

Lady's Mantle Herb

Lavender Flower

Lemon Balm Leaf

Lemon Peel

Lemon Verbena Leaf


Licorice Root

Linden Leaf & Flower

Lotus Leaf

Lovage Root

Lycii Berry

Maitake Mushroom

Malva Leaf High Mallow


Marjoram Leaf

Marshmallow Leaf

Marshmallow Root

Meadowsweet Herb

Melilot Herb

Milk Thistle Leaf

Milk Thistle Seed

Motherwort Herb

Mugwort Herb

Muira Puama Bark

Mullein Leaf

Mustard Seed, Yellow

Neem Leaf

Nettle Leaf

Noni Fruit

Oatstraw Herb

Olive Leaf

Orange Peel

Oregano Leaf

Oregon Grape Root

Papaya Leaf

Parsley Leaf

Parsley Root

Passion Flower Herb

Pau D'Arco Bark

Peach Leaf

Pellitory of the Wall Herb

Peppermint Leaf

Periwinkle Herb

Plantain Leaf

Pleurisy Root

Pomegranate Peel

Psyllium Husk

Psyllium Seed

Pumpkin Seed

Pygeum Bark

Quassia Wood

Raspberry Leaf

Red Clover Herb

Red Clover Flower

Red Root

Rehmannia Root

Reishi Mushroom

Restharrow Root

Rhubarb Root


Rooibos (Green)

Rose Hips

Rosemary Leaf



Sage Leaf

Sarsaparilla Root

Saw Palmetto Berry

Schizandra Berry

Sea Buckthorn Berry

Senna Leaf

Senna Pod

Shavegrass Herb

Sheep Sorrel Herb

Shepherd's Purse Herb

Shiitake Mushroom

Skullcap Herb

Slippery Elm Bark

Spearmint Leaf

Speedwell Herb

St. John's Wort Herb

Stevia Leaf

Stone Root

Strawberry Leaf

Suma Root

Thyme Leaf

Tulsi Leaf

Turmeric Root

Uva Ursi Leaf

Valerian Root

Vervain Herb

Watercress Herb

White Oak Bark

White Willow Bark

Wild Cherry Bark

Wild Lettuce Herb

Wild Yam Root

Wintergreen Leaf

Wood Betony Herb

Wormwood Herb

Yarrow Flower

Yellow Dock Root

Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate (Roasted)

Yerba Santa Leaf

Yohimbe Bark

Yucca Root

Zedoary Root